One of my favourite photos is this one where my husband is looking the sea very relaxed.
I took the photo in the summer of 2007 when I was on holiday in Menorca.
We celebrated our honeymoon and we had never seen never saw a sea so clean and wonderful.
The weather was fantastic and some people were swimming in the creek, and other people were sailing around the island. In the back ground you can see white houses very typical in Menorca too.
For us Menorca is the best Island we have visited until now, and we are looking forward going back there.
( no entiendo la primera frase, quien estba relajado tu marido o el mar, si es tu marido relaxed debe ir delante del mar ya que es atriuto del sujeto y debe ir detras del verbo to be. Mira que la comparación de que algunos estan bañandose en la cala, algo que se ve en la foto, y otros navegando alrededor de la isla queda extraño) Good work
2 comentarios
rius -
Rius -
Nos vemos el lunes con novedades!!! ya os contaré