



Pelo blanco, desgreñado como si la ventosidad de un rumiante se hubiera dirigido hacia él. Frente ancha, mirada malvada, perversa expresando poder absoluto, nariz pelotuda, con orejas de dumbo enormes, está entre el maestro Joda y un gnomo de jardín,  la boca la tiene alargada con labios finísimos con sonrisa fea y dientes pequeños y las manos las tiene chiquititas adoptadas de un canguro.

Belén Estaban por Verónica Barbancho

Belén Estaban por Verónica Barbancho

Belen es una mujer delgada con el cabello largo ,rubia con ojos oscuros

con Rasgos dificil de definir con unas grandes pjeras,con la piel elastica como de una abuela con grandes arrugas arreirse..

la boca,la boca,,,con unos dientes como si no existiera dentista en fin es ella .


Belen Esteban

caricatura de Michael Jackson por Veronica

caricatura de Michael Jackson por Veronica

Michael Jackson fué una gran figura de la música, tan grande como sus ojos, parecidos a los de un sapo, con una nariz tan chiquitita y estrechita como la cabeza de una chincheta, tiene una gran boca, similar a la de un besugo sin contar con su largo y estrecho cuello, idéntico al de una jirafa. Tiene un bonito pelo negro, cortado al estilo cacerola, por su gran parecido a esta.

Caricatura de Barack Obama por Carolina

Barack Obama, tiene las paletas de los dientes que parecen dos chicles Trident pegados. Tiene una sonrisa de oreja a oreja como la del Joker de Batman. El tamaño de su cabeza con sus orejas son desproporcionales un dia de estos se hechará a volar con Dumbo. Tiene unos ojos como dos aceitunas negras y unas cejas que parecen el Amazonas con tanto bello.Caricatura Barack Obama




Will Smith tiene unas orejas como un elefante de grandes, parece que en cualquier momento pueda echar a volar, por no hablar de los labios que parece un besugo. Parece que se haya estampado una sartén en la cara porque tiene la nariz muy ancha y aplastada. Tiene los orificios que parecen dos cuevas. A veces me pregunto cómo verá con esos ojos tan separados y pequeños, tiene aspecto de extraterrestre.


John por Nataly

John por Nataly

És un hombre fuerte , corpulento. No se le puede apreciar bien su altura , peró tiene pinta ser bastante alto.

Tiene unas manos bastante grandes y unos brazos increiblemente espectaculares y és de cuello ancho.

Su color de piel es blanca , sus ojos estan protegidos por unas gafas de sol i no se le pueden apreciar bien . És rubio con orejas pequeñitas y va vestido con una camiseta negra. Por lo que podemos apreciar le gusta el rock.

De Mick Jagger por Sandra N.

De Mick Jagger por Sandra N.

Es muy delgado de una estatura media, tiene el pelo castaño y un poco largo, tiene la cara muy arrugada y huesuda, la nariz es puntiaguda y la boca es desproporcionada al cuerpo ya que la tiene muy grande a juego con los dientes blancos y grandes.

chiquito la calzada por Fran

chiquito la calzada por Fran

Conocí a Chiquito de la calzada con  esa  cara de pan de vino que tiene la frente

como alargada como un pepino las cejas que tiene no se sabe si es barba o pelo

su color de cara es de color tomate tiene unas manos y unos pies que acomparacion de su barriga no se distinguen que parece un barril de cerveza sus manos y los pies son como ratoncillos en celo.



El mesías ,el que nos iba a sacar de la crisis creando muchosssssssss puestos de trabajo y nos ha hundido mas en la miseria ,con esa barba que parece un pordiosero ,esos ojos de loco ,esa forma de hablar que ni el se entiende,esa cara de mentiroso que no le crece la nariz como a pinocho por que no es de madera 

Caricatura de Ronaldinho por Jonathan

Caricatura de Ronaldinho por Jonathan

Este antiguo jugador de barcelona tiene unos dientes tan grandes como de un caballo.Con unas orejas tan inmensas como de un elefante,una nariz tan gorda y pequeña como de un cerdito.Unos labios tan gruesos como si fuera de un hipopotamo.Y tiene una cara tan alargada como si fuera una pelota de rugby.

Ana Obregon por Dora de la Pascua

Ana Obregon por Dora de la Pascua

Descripcion caricaturizada de :

Ana Obregon.


Ella cree ser maravillosa. Su falta de naturalidad hace que cuando anda parezca que cuelga de unos hilos que la controlan como si fuera una marioneta. Su figura que parece querer decir ahí voy yo con esas delgadas piernas que mas que largas son flacas como dos palillos pinchados en un cacahuete con su cascara y esos pechos que parecen dos trozos de plastilina colocadas en un trozo de cartón. Piensa que es única pero lo que a mí me parece es que es ridícula y superficial.

Caricatura Salvador Dalí por José García

Caricatura Salvador Dalí por José García

Salvador Dalí

Salvador Dalí, de orejas grandes y despegadas, ojos grandes y saltones mirada penetrante y excéntrica, nariz grande y redonda en la punta, bigote pobre y subido para arriba, labios de grosor mediano, patillas orientadas hacia la boca, cara alargada, cejas anchas arqueadas y largas, pelo rizado, alto y delgado.


When an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 struck the city of Puebla, Mexico on June 15, 1999, it damaged many of the arches and vaults of the fine churches and civic buildings near the zócalo, or main square. Less noticed was the harm done across the river to a humble Guadalupe chapel in the late 17th-century church of San Juan del Río, whose ribbed dome sustained several structural cracks.
One of only two in Puebla that date from that period, the dome tells a fascinating story about the architectural legacy of the city and the surrounding region—a legacy that blends indigenous Mexican, Spanish and Moorish traditions into a beautiful yet practical whole. The type of ribbed dome at San Juan del Río, along with many of the city’s other colonial architectural elements, are of the mudéjar style. The name probably derives from the Arabic mudajjanun (“those permitted to remain”), and the construction technique can be traced back to al-Andalus in southern Spain, the region ruled by Muslims from the eighth to the 15th centuries, and to North Africa. It was brought to the New World by the Spanish and built by Native American craftsmen.
The Public Autonomous University of Puebla recently established a Center for Hispano-Mudéjar Studies, led by architecture professor Dolores Dib Alvarez, whose maiden name, Dib, is that of her Syrian grandfather. The center’s mission is to bring together Mexican, Spanish and Moroccan scholars to document the continuities, lineages and growth patterns between and among their cultures. “We Mexicans always say our country is a melting pot,” she says, “but we often argue over which flavors are dominant. In Puebla, both in its architecture and its bloodlines, I think the Arab flavor is unmistakable.” Indeed, a monument in the zócalo honors Puebla’s Syrian-Lebanese immigrant community. (read more in Aramco)

azulejos pueba

Writing a dialogue

Interviewer- Hello Jonatan, how was the celebration of  your father's birthday?
Jonatan- Very well, it was very exciting.
Interviewer- how did he reacts when he saw you?
Jonatan- All my family we cry of emotion and happiness.
Interviewer- what did you do in the big party?
Jonatan- We were a lot of time talking and later we were playing cards and finally dancing.
Interviewer- Did you visit Wales with your family?
Jonatan- Yes, it was very different from the place where I live.
Interviewer- Will You come back?
Jonatan- I would like but there are things that makes it difficult to me.
Interviewer- Thanks Jonatan, and good luck in life.



Andorra is a small country. It is betwen Pirenesse of Catalonia and France.



It is a cold country. It’s countryside is very beautiful all year because it snows a lot in winter and has green forests in spring.

The people of Andorra live of the tourism and trade.

Andorra has many tourists all year but especially in winter.

A lot of people go to Andorra because it has a good ski slopes.

Andorra has many stores when you can buy many different things, cheese, perfume, cigarettes,...



It has confortable hotels as Caldea very famous spa resort.


Describing a town

Sant Boi de Llobregat is a little city of Baix Llobregat 15 kilometres from Barcelona. It is divided in six neighbourhoods: Cinco Rosas, Casablanca, Centro, Ciudad Cooperativa, Marianao and Vinyets-Molí Vell.
In Sant Boi people work in the services but there are also farmers, who grow artichokes in the fields next to river Llobregat, where there is a walk.
There is also a small mountain whose name is Sant Ramon and you can see the villages of around.


Many thanks Hector

A dialogue

Jonathan: Hello
Interviewer: How was your father’s birthday?
Jonathan: It was very good. He received a very big surprise.
Interviewer: Could you see your friends?
Jonathan: Yes but I didn’t have more time to expend with them.
Interviewer: When the month was over did yoy return to Melourne?

When did passed the month did you return to Melbourne?
Jonathan: No, I didn’t return because my father was sick. But two weeks later he was very good. Father got sick
Interviewer: I’m glad. Where do did you live now?
Jonathan: In Wales because my boss fired me and I decided to return  home and work here.
Interviewer: Ok Jonathan, thanks for your time.


Many thanks Hector

Formal letter

Joan Salvat i papasseit, 58
Sant Boi de Llobregat, 08830
5 December 2010

Personnel department
Jerome’s pizzas
32 Ludington Place
Leeds 09570

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I would like to apply for the deliver job of in yours pizzeria.

My name is Héctor Martínez and I would like to work in your restaurant because I am a young boy that I like working as a deliver with cars or motorbikes. I have car driving license since one year ago and experience in this sort of job in other companies.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Yours fathfully,


Héctor Martínez

Last birthday

In my last birthday I stayed in my house with my family and my friends. We watched the match between Spain versus Paraguay, with the victory of Spain thanks to Villa’s goal. When the match was finished we ate barbequed meat, spikes and sausages were cooked. Finally we ate ice cream cake and I received the presents.

By Héctor

answer a leter

34 Sant Boi de Llobregat

Barcelona 08830

November 16, 2010

Dear John,

I´d like to meet up some time before school starts too.

In the summer, I worked in the shoe shop. I love the shoes very much!

Last weekwnd, I went to the cinema whit my husband and my daugher.

We saw Harry Potter´s film.

This week, my family and I will go to the zoo. My favorite animal is the elephant.

I hope to see you later, call me soon.

Your friend, many kisses...

Love Susan